HR Matters – Don’t Treat Human Resources as DIY
Several small businesses have the tendency to save as much as possible. For this purpose, they are even ready to compromise those services that they think are either unnecessary or very simple that they can easily handle themselves. The main department that pays the price of this DIY strategy is the HR (human resource).
But on most of the occasions, such companies discover after a time that HR is not the type of department for which they can take a risk. It happens when such organizations have to hire the employees from time to time after failing to get the perfect employees at right time. It is really a waste of time and resources and an unnecessary physical and mental burden.
The duties of HR are not limited to hiring employees but they also perform other important tasks related to staff members and their working. In fact, the purpose of the HR department is to enhance the overall performance of employees that play a critical role in the overall growth of the company.
If one compares the benefits of HR with that of the finances that will be paid to them, then it will certainly highlight the importance of avoiding DIY as far as HR services are concerned. The importance of human resource is same everywhere whether it is a Dubai business setup or an organization in Berlin.
There are several advantages of delivering the HR department to professionals instead of handling the department by the company owner himself. Few of these are mentioned below that will convince you not to follow the DIY technique for the important department like HR.
Responding Market Trends:
The change in market trends come without notice. A professional in human resource management is well aware about the changing trends in the related field and also how to handle the situation with appropriate techniques.
They know the right time of downsizing, the number of staff required in the organization, the right area to choose for recruitment and other similar issues according to the requirement of the company and the market trend. All these matters can only be handled by a professional related to the HR.
Manage Productivity Goals:
Staff in any company plays primary role in achieving annual productivity goals. An HR professional is the right person to determine the type of staff that is required to achieve the stated company’s productivity goals. They are aware about the type of staff that should be hired for the same purpose in reasonable cost and also the right procedure to find them.
They also keep an eye on the performance and attitude of the staff. Through this, they can easily differentiate those staff members that should be kept in the company from those that are unreliable and burden on the organization.
Fulfilling Customer needs:
The only way that any business can achieve its goal is by providing its products or services to its customers in minimum time and according to their specific requirements. A human resource professional also has a part to play in this aspect also.
He/she will evaluate when the skills of new employees will be needed to inject in the company according to the demand of the market. Preparing new and even experienced employees for the same task is also an additional service that can be provided by the HR professional. This is a compulsory condition to achieve the goal of fulfilling customer needs.
Tackle the change:
The world is changing so abruptly that confronting and tackling change is now a daily matter. One has to keep an eye on consistent changes that are expected to come in coming days and must also be aware about those that are expected to come after a while. These changes will surely impact the employees, positively or negatively.
After getting awareness about these changes, the HR professional will take steps to increase performance of the employees on positive changes and try to eradicate or minimize the impact on these negative changes.
These are few of the most important points that are responsibilities of a human resource professional and they are qualified enough to handle all these matters efficiently and effectively. These tasks are difficult to handle by owner of any business, whether small or big. The work load of a company owner is to pay attention to each field and it is unwise for him/her to waste all the energies on important field of human resource.
The professionals will not only manage basic tasks but can provide additional and longstanding benefits that can make the organization flourish several folds as compared in the absence of an HR professional. Therefore, human resource should not be part of DIY no matter the type of organization.
Author Bio:
Brenda Cagara is a part of the business consultant team RIZ & MONA in Dubai. Her work is to assist the formation of companies in different states of UAE. Other services she takes a part in are visa processing, trade license, trade mark, bank account opening, product registration and local sponsors. Along with this, she vigilantly manages to pursue her writing career. Since the past five years, she has been writing on different niches. The top ones are business, taxation and finance.
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