Human nature tells us that very few people truly enjoy doing the same old thing every day for a prolonged period of time. This definitely holds true for our professional lives! While it is easy to enjoy mastering a skill, we seek variety and challenge in our careers. We put our best effort in every day with the hope that we will get promoted. It is not always about money (though more money helps). Getting promoted signifies that we have done our job well and should be recognized for it.
Not everyone gets promoted, however. In most cases, there are limited job openings available. Only the top performers will get promoted to the next level of work and/or responsibility.
How do you ensure you are one of them?
Here are 5 basic steps to position yourself for career advancement.
5 Steps to Advance Your Career
Do Your Homework
Regardless of what the next position is at your company (or in your profession), there are likely additional skills you must possess to be considered for such a role. Do your research. Figure out what people within your company (or industry) must know to hold the next position. It may be additional education, training, or software skills. Understand what you need to know, and work on learning as much as you can on your own time. Being a proactive learner will not only benefit you but will impress your current manager (or a potential hiring manager at another company).
Network with People Working in the Job You Want
Take the time to have coffee, lunch, or attend professional events to meet others in the job you are hoping to obtain. Ask them for advice on how to improve your skill level, and how they reached their current level. They may have strategies for learning important skills necessary for success and may even share some mistakes they made along the way. If you cannot meet these individuals in person, ask for a phone call or email correspondence. Most people are willing to help but be respectful of their time.
Analyze Your Current Performance
When it comes to your current performance, understand the goals for your current role – both personal and departmental. Have a clear idea of what your boss expects of you and work to exceed it! Document each goal you have achieved and create a portfolio of your work. This can include copies of projects, positive emails or letters you receive regarding your performance, or other examples of recognition. Keep track of what you do that is above and beyond what is expected. These items will be helpful for your performance review and can be beneficial to bring to future interviews. Accomplishments are great to have on your resume, but having a copy of the actual project or letter validates your performance.
Download our Employee Performance Feedback Form to record your personal goals and challenges. Click SUBSCRIBE to get this FREE tool now!
Meet with Your Manager
Make it a point to meet with your manager and discuss your career goals, if you feel comfortable having the discussion with him or her. Ask for constructive feedback and advice on how to achieve the next level. You may want to discuss appropriate timelines to achieve milestones in your current role. This may involve informal quarterly reviews to update progress or looking at educational options if they are needed to take the next step. If you are in a situation where discussing your career path will be a conflict of interest for your boss (such as the next step is his or her job), it may be more appropriate to find a mentor within your company or profession.
Create an Action Plan
Once you have gathered the knowledge that is necessary to create a plan, now is the time to put it in writing! Implementing a plan in writing will bring the dreams to reality and can assist with accountability. If you have found a professional mentor, allow him or her to review your plan. They may have input as to the timeframes you create, and whether the plan is achievable within your allocated time. They are also great resources to provide feedback along the way. Once you have established the plan, it is time to execute! Review the steps you have created for yourself and follow them. It is time to make the dream a reality.
Get Motivated and Get Promoted!
Along the way, be sure to remain positive, as there will be obstacles along the way. You may find that you are not able to move to the next level at your current company, or that the educational requirements may become difficult. Be sure to plan for the possibility that you may need to change companies to reach your goal. There may be sacrifices involved to accommodate education into your schedule. Neither of these are easy or comfortable but revert back to your plan. Be sure to allow for obstacles as you are creating it, and let that be a motivator to achieve success!
The world is at your fingertips. With tenacity and dedication, you can land the job of your dreams!
Natalie Lemons is the Founder and President of Resilience Group, LLC, and The Resilient Recruiter and Co-Founder of Need a New Gig. She specializes in the area of Executive Search and services a diverse group of national and international companies, focusing on mid to upper-level management searches in a variety of industries. For more articles like this, follow her blog. Resilient Recruiter is an Amazon Associate.
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