How to Write a Job Offer That Won't be Rejected

How to Write (and Present) a Job Offer That Won’t Be Rejected

  The job offer is, no doubt, the most exciting aspect of hiring journey! It is the culmination of a long, and sometimes tedious process – for everyone involved. After weeks of sourcing, screening, scheduling interviews, coordinating follow-ups, and checking references, it provides that satisfaction that makes the work (and the waiting) all worthwhile.  […]

Thought Full Thursday Link Party

Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party #5

This is our FIFTH Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party! THANK YOU to those who participated in our FIRST Four link parties over the last several weeks! We are looking forward to growing the link party and attracting new bloggers. We need YOUR help and participation to make this a great sharing opportunity for everyone involved![…]

Surviving the Holidays Unemployed

Unemployment During the Holidays – A Survival Guide

    The holidays can be a joyous time of year for many – a time to relax, unwind, and spend time with loved ones. People look forward to it all year long. When dealing with unemployment, however, this time of year can be extremely stressful, both personally and professionally. Unemployment can equate to shortages[…]

10 Signs to Look for a New Job

New Year, New Job? 10 Signs it is Time to Look

    It happens every year – the holiday season and upcoming New Year are often a time of self-evaluation. The end of the year is the time to determine what has gone right in your life over the past year, as well what you would like to change. New Year’s resolutions usually consist of[…]

Thought Full Thursday Link Party

Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party #2

Join Us for THIS Week’s Link Party Here!!! This is our SECOND Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party!  THANK YOU to those that participated in our FIRST weekly post last week.  We are looking forward to growing the link party and attracting new bloggers!  We need YOUR help and participation to make this a great sharing[…]

5 Dirty Secrets About the Hunt for Talent

The 5 Dirty Secrets About the Hunt for Talent

  The other day, I came across a newsletter that was titled “Hiring is Super Easy – Said No One Ever”. It was humorous because that phrase couldn’t be more accurate! Hiring is wrought with challenges and obstacles. The product is human, after all, and humans have emotions….and personal circumstances….and second thoughts…. need I say[…]

The ABC's of Holiday Office Party Etiquette

Keeping it Classy – The ABC’s of Holiday Office Party Etiquette

  The holidays are upon us, like it or not! And if you are in the corporate world (or the significant other of someone that is), this usually involves attending at least one holiday office party. We all have heard stories of eventful office parties, and no one wants to be the topic of conversation[…]

Thought Full Thursday Link Party

Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party

This is our VERY FIRST Thought “Full” Thursday Link Party!  We need YOUR help and participation to make this a great sharing opportunity for everyone involved!  Please read on to learn more!!!!   A link party is a set time frame for current or aspiring bloggers to find new blogs and quality content. It is[…]

Healthy Office Worker Gift Guide

The Healthy Office Worker – A Gift Guide

Gift Guide for the Healthy Office Worker   So I’m sure you’ve heard it many times lately:  sitting is the new smoking.  Professionals who are desk-bound face a wide array of health challenges associated with just being sedentary.  An average office worker spends 7 hours in the seated position! Individuals that work from home often[…]

Business Books Gift Guide

Best Business Books for the Holidays – A Gift Guide

The holidays are upon us, and with that comes the conundrum of what to get those around you.  Whether it is an office gift exchange, or a practical gift for a new graduate, business books are always at the top of my list.  This is a perfect opportunity to inform and educate while gift giving. […]

Office Party Gift Guide

The Office Holiday Party – A Gift Guide

Holiday Gifting for the Office ***Please note – this post contains affiliate links.  Resilient Recruiter is an Amazon Associate.   It’s that time of year again – the holidays are fast-approaching! And what goes hand-in-hand with the end of the year festivities? The office Holiday Party! This is an exciting time for some, but a[…]

5 Reasons Good Employees Leave

The Top Five Reasons Good Employees Leave

  Whether you are new to the working world, or approaching retirement, it is not too difficult to spot good employees. The Star Worker can fall anywhere within the hierarchy of a company – from the Receptionist at the front desk to the CEO. This is the person that takes pride in his or her[…]

6 Secrets to Digging Out of a Career Rut

6 Secrets to Digging Out of a Career Rut

Guest Post featured in   It happens to so many professionals in this day and age: you are gainfully employed at a reputable company with a good (scratch that – GREAT) job. You have been steadily moving up the corporate ladder each year, and are held in high regard with your department. But you[…]

The Cliched Lines That Are Killing Your Resume

The Clichéd Lines That are Killing Your Resume [Guest Post]

When it comes to writing your resume, there’s a fine line between key words that you think look and sound good, and overused phrases that recruiters loathe. Hiring managers see hundreds of resumes, and after a while, they could begin to look and sound the same. If you want to stand out, you should try[…]

Biggest Career Advice Myths Debunked

The Biggest Career Advice Myths Debunked

Career advice is like parenting advice: everyone has an opinion to give, but it doesn’t mean that it’s right. Like parenting advice, the suggestions may be well-intentioned, but no longer applicable in the modern workplace. It may be a common practice in some industries – just not yours. Or, it might just be wrong!  […]

5 Toxic Habits Ruining Your Success

The 5 Toxic Habits That Are Hampering Your Career Success

  Regardless of what you do for a living, or how far along you are in your career, most people are striving for a greater level of success. The term “success” can be defined in very different terms, depending on whom you talk to. It may be more money, a bigger title, more responsibility, or[…]

10 Things Hiring Managers Wish They Could Tell Candidates

10 Things Hiring Managers Wish They Could Tell Candidates

  10 Things Hiring Managers Wish They Could Tell Candidates   Hiring is tricky. In theory, the process is easy. You write a job description, post that job on your website, or the job board of your choice. You sift through the resumes and interview the qualified applicants. You choose the best candidate for the[…]

5 Reasons to Keep Your Resume Updated

5 Reasons to Keep Your Resume Updated

If you have been satisfied with your current position, chances are that you haven’t thought about your resume in a long time.  Quite possibly, you haven’t touched it since you landed your current role! You are certainly not alone!  Most people only think about their resume when it is time to start looking for a[…]

3 Things a Modern Resume Must Have

3 Things Your Modern Resume Must Have (Guest Post)

3 Things Your Modern Resume Must Have   A well-written resume continues to be the kingpin to a successful job search. In this digital age where competition is steeper than ever, candidates must take care in crafting a quality document that stands out from the rest. As a critical self-marketing tool, your resume needs to[…]

How to Prepare for Your Performance Review

How to Prepare for Your Performance Review

Performance review time is often referred to as a bittersweet time of year: one where all of your hard work is reviewed and recognized, but also a time of year where your shortcomings come to light!   That said, many employees (and leaders) do not look forward to this uncomfortable time of year.   What[…]

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Next Job with

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Next Job with

The Time Has Come…and is Your Tool of Choice You have finally decided to dust off that resume and start searching for that new gig, but the only problem is that you don’t know where to start! Since the recruiting landscape is always changing, and new sites continue to pop up overnight, candidates can[…]

Emotional Intelligence

The Emotional Intelligence Traits Necessary for Business Success

  Emotional intelligence has become a hot topic over the last decade, gracing the covers of almost every major publication in business and psychology alike. It has long been understood that there was a “non-intellect” related component of intelligence. This has been studied since as early as the 1940’s – and this component has been[…]

Employee Recognition

Employee Recognition – Unraveling the Mystery Behind It’s Success

  Employee recognition has been a buzz word for the last five or six years now, and with good reason. Numerous case studies have already shown that recognizing employees not only leads to decreased turnover, but it actually motivates employees to perform better. Since the #1 reason Americans leave jobs is due to feeling unappreciated,[…]

Improving Employee Performance

How to Improve Employee Performance Effectively

Resilient Recruiter is an Amazon Associate   Terminating an employee is a very emotional task for both an employer and the person losing his or her job. In my previous articles, How to Terminate an Employee the Right Way Part #1 and Part #2, we discussed methods for parting ways with dignity and respect.  […]

How to Terminate an Employee the Right Way

How to Terminate an Employee the Right Way – Part #2

Resilient Recruiter is an Amazon Associate   This is the second article in the series How to Terminate an Employee the Right Way, with compassion and ethics. If you would like to read the first part, please click here. Almost everyone that has ever terminated an employee can tell you that it is never an[…]

How to Terminate an Employee

How to Terminate an Employee the Right Way – Part 1

Resilient Recruiter is an Amazon Associate.   The circumstances may be different from company to company, but the end result is the same: you have decided to terminate an employee. This is a decision that is difficult on many levels (for all parties involved), and may have been culminating for a long time. Let’s face[…]

What is Networking?

What is Networking and How Can It Help You Find a Job?

  The term “networking” is a descriptive word often overused in Career circles, but whether you are a new grad, or close to retirement, chances are you’ve heard it. As a matter of fact, one of the first pieces of advice I give to any job seeker I work with is to “make sure you[…]

Bosses We Love to Hate

5 Characteristics of the Bosses We Love to Hate

In a perfect world, the office environment would be perfect every day. Employees would get along famously. Everyone would be recognized for their achievements and continually developed to their utmost abilities. Projects would be equally delegated, and work would always be productive. Customers would always be happy. Sound too good to be true? It is![…]

7 Things to Negotiate Besides Your Salary

7 Things to Negotiate Besides Your Salary

    Congratulations – You have the job offer in hand and you are ready to start to negotiate your offer! You have already decided that you want to ask for a little more in base salary, but what else can you negotiate?  There are many elements of your total compensation package aside from salary, and[…]

Why Soft Skills Will Get You Hired

The 5 Soft Skills That Will Get You Hired Before Your Education Will

Whether you are a hiring authority or a job seeker, you are well aware that you need to possess certain “hard” skills for various jobs. A well-defined set of sales skills may not be the best fit for a Java Developer, and engineering skills do not, by themselves, qualify you for a CFO position. There[…]

5 Reasons Good Employees Leave

7 Things You MUST Do Before Quitting Your Job

    Finally deciding that you are quitting your job can bring on a whole slew of different emotions. Part of you is exhilarated and excited – you are either leaving for a new opportunity, choosing a different path, or starting a new business. Part of you is scared to death: will you be successful,[…]

5 Telltale Signs You are About to Get Fired

5 Telltale Signs You are About to Get Fired

Getting fired is never fun – whether it is simply a downsizing, or a termination for poor performance. Few descriptions (no matter how kind) take the sting out of the actual event. Being terminated is even worse when you don’t know it’s coming!   Being a recruiter, I have witnessed the event from numerous perspectives.[…]

Millennials in Leadership

The Five Key Qualities of Millennials in Leadership

As originally posted in Millennial Money Guide. It’s no  secret that Millennials are one of the largest generations in history, and make up over 33% of the workforce. Though this age group consists of some of the most technologically-savvy in history, it often makes headlines for the less-than-desirable stereotypes, such as job-hopping, and requiring constant[…]

Candidate experience

Improving Your Candidate Experience in the Hiring Process

  In a job market with an unemployment rate under 5%, and new positions being created every day, the candidate market has become slim and very competitive. Candidates, whether they are employed or unemployed, typically have multiple opportunities they are considering at any given time. You may find an ideal person for a role, but[…]

Resolving Conflict

Conflict in the Workplace? Here are Some Proven Strategies to Handle It Effectively

  Conflict is bound to occur in both our personal and professional lives. It is part of human nature, yet most of us would prefer to prevent it. As mentioned in my previous article on Introverts and Extroverts, we work with many different personalities, and each one has his or her own set of unique[…]

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Unconscious Bias – How to Identify and Address it in the Workplace

  Most of us make dozens of decisions every day without a second thought: both personal and professional. Those decisions dictate everything from what we eat for breakfast to how we deal with customers, to who we do (or don’t) hire. Yet, we don’t give a great deal of thought to WHY we make the[…]

Extroverts and Introverts

Extroverts and Introverts: Differences in Work Style and How to Manage Them

      Humans are an interesting breed. Each of us have unique personalities and traits that are a combination of our genetic makeup, our surroundings, and how we were raised. Our methods of communication and work style are no different and reflect our personalities. We tend to fall into two generalized categories: extroverts and[…]

Why I Dumped for ZipRecruiter

Why I Dumped for ZipRecruiter And Why You Should, too…… **Note: this page contains affiliate links, but I only represent products I use and trust! Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that the job market has changed over the last few years – a LOT! Five years ago, I had[…]

Recruiting retention

Recruiting and Retention are on a Collision Course – Here’s Why

Recruiting and Retention are on a Collision Course – Here’s Why Originally posted on – please see original article here The economy has made a robust comeback and the job market is strong. You will rarely hear any argument regarding the availability of jobs. There are currently over 5.4 million open jobs in the[…]


How to Start Your Own WordPress Blog

This lesson is all about learning to create your own blog on WordPress. Starting a blog is easy – believe me – if I can do it, anyone can master this! I am not what you would call a “tech savvy” person, so don’t assume I am guiding you with a ton of coding or[…]

Blogging for Business

Why Your Business (or Consulting Firm) Needs a Blog

Why Your Business (or Consulting Firm) Needs a Blog Please note – this article contains affiliate links, but I only recommend products I use     The Importance of a Blog I will be the first to admit it: I didn’t always have a blog. I have been in business for nearly a decade, but[…]

Why Your Candidate Just Accepted a Counter Offer and Why They Just Don’t Work

If you are in the field of Recruiting or Human Resources, you have likely seen it, but cringe at the mere thought of it: the Counter Offer. As much as we don’t want to think about them, in this day and age, they happen more often than we would like.   Picture this: you have[…]

7 Reasons Candidates Aren’t Opening Your InMail

  Ahh – the InMail. One of the most popular tools for recruiters to reach candidates today. For a recruiter or HR professional, it is sometimes a means of communication they spend several hours a day working on. But did you know that the average open rate ranges between 10-20%? Some recruiters have reported that[…]

Is Flexibility More Important Than a Higher Salary?

This week, I happened upon a post on LinkedIn that a fellow recruiter made regarding a situation that had just happened to her. The situation went something like this: she had a candidate that had gone through the interview process for a position she was conducting a search on. Her client extended an offer to[…]

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